Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Fish today. My beloved cod. Cooked in a very simple way but so delicious. Cod, garlic, parsley and olive oil. Let’s cook!


Some cod fillets
Some flour
Some extra virgin olive oil
Some salt to taste, if necessary
Some parsley
Some chopped garlic.

If we use salt cod, first we will have to soak it for about 48 hours, changing the water several times. You can also use fresh cod. Frozen cod is another option, too.
We have to make sure that the pieces of cod are dry. If they are wet, we can dry them with some kitchen paper towel. When we have our cod ready to start cooking, we will coat it with flour, lightly. Then we will fry it in a frying pan with hot extra virgin olive oil. Not much oil and not for long. Do it in both sides. When the fish is ready, reserve it.
Then we will have to make a little sauce. Mix some extra virgin olive oil, some salt, some parsley and some chopped garlic.
To serve, spread some of the sauce on the fish and keep some aside to add more sauce if needed.
Ready to eat. Enjoy!

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